About Designer (MINIxWAS)
Illustrator/ Rapper/ CEO: MINIxWAS (ミニワス)
MINIxWAS is the shorten name for MINI WASABI.
She may be 4"11, but got some kick & original "spice" in both personality & apparel style like WASABI, which is usually eaten with SUSHI to balance its taste.
Wasabi has antimicrobial properties which may have safeguarded sushi eaters.
MINIxWAS transforms Japanese culture & art to the next level.
She is a Japanese illustrator / rapper/ CEO Of the company, MAJISHINKA.
Born/Raised in Japan, she came to US to study. Earned BA of Business & MSA of Fashion Merchandising, she created online store during Pandemic, 2020.
Proud "Asian" business owner wants to promote own heritage of Japanese culture & art through her original artworks.
She has own YouTube Channels of MAJISHINKA (Apparel/ Illustration) to explain story of each character, living in MAJI KYUN WORLD.
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb3a5IhDmbSt2oOk0DHUZJQ
"MINIxWAS" has released 2 songs and has few music videos.
Artist info & music videos can be found below:
- Website: www.minixwas.com
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb3a5IhDmbSt2oOk0DHUZJQ